

This website is running on WordPress and Art. theme, edited and adapted by Ariel Huber  ▪︎  unfolded has designed the logo and gave lots of graphic, technical and general advice  ▪︎  GT Pressura Mono is the typeface used on these pages.


All content images on this site is Copyright Ariel Huber 2020, unless otherwise mentioned  ▪︎  Ariel works with Alpa and Fuji cameras and occasionally experiments with telephones.


to many wonderful friends I was lucky to collaborate with over the years and who are behind the projects displayed on this site: c2f, Case Design, Jean Pfaff, Jodok Brunner, Karim Noureldin, Malene Bach, Mahendra Raj, Uma Rani, unfolded – just to name a few.


This site uses Google Recaptcha in order to prevent spam via the contact form. Otherwise no cookies here.


When you send a message via the contact form, it will be sent via unencrypted email to Ariel Huber. The message may be stored on a local backup disk. It will not be used for any other purpose than the communication between Ariel Huber Photography and the sender and neither the email address nor the message content will be shared or used for any other purpose.


This Website and all information displayed on this Website are provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including warranty for non-infringement of third party rights. Although we take all reasonable care to ensure that the information displayed on this Website is correct and complete and to update it in regular intervals, we make no representations, warranties or assurances as to the completeness, accuracy, adequacy, reliability or up-to-datedness of such information.

Access to this Website is at your own risk. In no event, Ariel Huber Photography, his representatives, employees or agents shall be liable for any damage, loss, claim or injury of any kind resulting from your access, or inability to access, the Website, or from your reliance on any information provided on the Website, including but not limited to viruses that may infect computer equipment, software or data. Any communication and transmission of data by way of electronic mail and the internet is considered as neither safe nor confidential and occurs at your own risk.

Ariel Huber Photography disclaims all liability or responsibility in case of incomplete, inaccurate or intercepted transmission of information or for any tampering via the internet of your computer system by unauthorized parties. The sender of any communication and transmission of data to the Website shall be solely responsible for the content and information provided. Ariel Huber Photography owns all rights, title and interest in and to this Website. Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify third party proprietary rights. Ariel Huber Photography apologize for any errors or omissions that may occur. They will be corrected in subsequent updates of the credits section of the Website. Please contact us should you discover any inconsistencies or have any corrections.

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